Sunday 15 December 2013

Most of us enjoying!! - La mayoria de nosotros disfrutando!!

As I wrote before, I know some people who doesn't like snow, but fortunately, I also know people like me, ''crazy'' about it!!
Some days ago I went to visit my friend Lily, and today's pictures are from the park I normally cross to go to her place, from her place, and from her daughter, between others, enjoy them!!
Como escribi antes, conozco algunas personas a quienes no les gusta la nieve, pero afortunadamente, tambien conozco gente como yo, ''locos'' por ella!!
Hace algunos dias fui a visitar a mi amiga Lily, y las fotos de hoy son del parque que normalmente cruzo para ir a su casa, de su casa, y de su hija, entre otras, disfrutenlas!! 

As I mentioned before, they don't hibernate. This one, even with snow, is still looking for food!!
Como mencione antes, ellas no hibernan. Esta, aun con nieve, esta todavia buscando comida!!

Creative, isn't it? Michel, Lily's son, 4 years old, ''printed'' his hand and then ''painted'' Rudolph the red nose reindeer (of course, with help from his teacher)!!
Creativo, no les parece? Michel, el hijo de Lily, de 4 anitos, ''imprimio'' su mano y luego ''pinto'' a Rodolfo, el reno de la nariz roja (por supuesto, con ayuda de su profesora)!!

Squirrel, left side, bottom of the picture.
Nest, right side, top of the picture. 
Ardilla, lado izquierdo, parte baja de la foto.
Nido, lado derecho, parte alta de la foto.

Squirrel, ''Oh, yes, I'm going there!!''
Ardilla, ''Oh, si, para alla voy!!''

''Almost there, but it looks empty!!''
''Ya casi llego, pero parece vacio!!''

''Ready to slide. When are we going to the snow?'' Bella, the family cat!
''Lista para deslizarme. Cuando vamos a la nieve?'' Bella, la gata de la familia!

''Yes, it's my tail, even it looks like the one of a raccoon'', seems Bella is saying!!
''Si, es mi cola, aunque parezca como la de un mapache'', parece estar diciendo Bella!!
''Mom, look how pretty I look!!'' - Alexia (2 years, 4 months old)!

''Mami, mira que hermosa luzco!!'' - Alexia (2 anos y 4 meses de edad)!

''Alexia, that's my make up, not something to play with!!'' - Lily.
And of course, Alexia wasn't very happy about it!!
''Alexia, ese es mi maquillaje, no es para jugar!!'' - Lily.
Y por supuesto, Alexia no quedo muy contenta!!

I really adore this picture!! Look at its chest! I think is one of the best I have from little birds!!
Realmente adoro esta foto!! Miren su pecho! Creo que es una de mis mejores fotos de pajaritos!!

Lily cut my hair, applied some make up, and took the picture!! Normally I'm not very photogenic, but this is a good one, John and I agree!!
Lily me corto el cabello, me aplico algo de maquillaje, y tomo la foto!! Normalmente no soy muy fotogenica, pero esta esta muy bien, John y yo estamos de acuerdo!! 

Ready for a ''quiet time'' under the Christmas tree, where she is warm and very comfy!!
Lista para un rato de relajacion bajo el arbol de Navidad, donde esta calientita y muy confortable!!

Yes, there is snow around, but officially it's still Autumn!! And these colored leaves are still there to remind us about it!!
Ah!! The ''black belts'' are there to keep the tree straight!!  
Si, hay nieve alrededor, pero oficialmente aun es otono!! Y estas hojas coloridas estan ahi para recordarnoslo!! 
Ah!! Las ''cintas negras'' estan ahi para mantener el arbol derecho!!

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