Wednesday 18 December 2013

Dec. 18. John's last IV chemo!! - Dic. 18. La ultima quimo intravenosa de John!!

Today, Dec. 18, John had his last IV chemo cycle, and after being there (6th. floor of the cancer agency) 6 times during the last months, only today I took some pictures of the views from there, enjoy them!!
Hoy, Dic. 18, John tuvo su ultimo ciclo de quimioterapia intravenosa, y despues de haber estado alli (6to. piso de la agencia de cancer) 6 veces, hasta hoy no tome algunas fotos de las vistas desde alli, disfrutenlas!!

Downtown Vancouver view from John's chemo room (6th. floor) at the cancer agency.
Vista del centro de Vancouver desde el cuarto de quimo de John (6to. piso) en la agencia de cancer.

 Beautiful day, sunny and nice temperature!! Hermoso dia, soleado y con una temperatura agradable!!

More or less in the middle of the picture, the tallest building (blueish-grayish one) is supposedly the tallest hotel in Vancouver!!
Mas o menos en la mitad de la foto, el edificio mas alto (azul-grisaceo) es supuestamente el hotel mas alto en Vancouver!!

His last time here (this floor)!! Nurses normally ''wrap'' one of his arms with a hot wet towel for some minutes, to help his veins to be more ''visible''. And his shirt is ''hanging'' that way because he has his cell in the pocket!!
Su ultima vez aqui (en este piso)!! Las enfermeras normalmente le ''envuelven'' uno de sus brazos con una toalla humeda y caliente por algunos minutos, para ayudar a que sus venas sean mas ''visibles''. Y su camisa esta ''colgada'' asi porque tiene el celular en el bolsillo!!

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