Friday 6 December 2013

Animals around!! - Animales alrededor!!

This has been a busy week for me, having appointments Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Wednesday I came back the same way than the day before, through Bear Creek park, and took some more pictures! And Thursday I had two appointments at the same office, one at 9:00 a.m. and another one at 1:00 p.m. As I didn't have time to come back home, I stayed around, and when talking to John I heard some geese pretty close, you cannot imagine my surprise and how happy I was when I saw plenty of them!!
Esta ha sido una semana ocupada para mi, con citas el martes, el miercoles, y jueves. El miercoles me vine a casa otra vez atravesando el parque y tomando mas fotos! Y el jueves tuve 2 citas en el mismo lugar, una a las 9:00 a.m. y la otra a la 1:00 p.m., pero como no tenia tiempo de volver a casa, me quede paseando por los alrededores, y cuando estaba hablando con John escuche unos gansos muy cerquita, no se imaginan mi sorpresa y la alegria que me dio cuando vi todos los que habia!!

We live at 84 and this side of the park begins at 88, then, it's normally pretty easy for me to come home walking (from a close place) or getting out of the bus at 88 and then cross the park, and with scenarios like this one, don't you think this is a perfect place to enjoy relaxing meanwhile doing some exercise?
Nosotros vivimos en la 84 y este lado del parque comienza en la 88, asi que es muy facil para mi regresar a casa caminando (desde un lugar cercano) o bajarme del bus en la 88 y luego cruzar el parque, y con escenarios como este, no creen que es un lugar perfecto para disfrutar relajandome mientras hago algo de ejercicio?
And being able to see some very cute animals, of course I try to take ''advantage'' of places like this one everytime I have an opportunity!!
Y el poder ver algunos animales adorables, por supuesto que trato de tomar ''ventaja'' de lugares como este cada vez que tengo oportunidad!!
''Life is simple. Everything happens for you, not to you. Everything happens at exactly the right moment, neither too soon nor too late, You don't have to like it .... it's just easier if you do.'' Byron Katie.
And for me, being able to enjoy this park, this squirrel eating, a nice little cold afternoon, everything was perfect, even the moment to be able to enjoy all of these!!
''La vida es simple. Todo pasa por ti, no a ti. Todo pasa exactamente en el momento adecuado, ni antes ni despues. No te tiene que gustar ..... pero es mas facil si te gusta.'' Byron Katie.
Y para mi, el poder disfrutar este parque, esta ardilla comiendo, una tarde un poco fria pero agradable, todo era perfecto, inclusive el momento para poder disfrutar de todo esto!!  

And also seeing the salmons returning to spawn to their home streams from their long journey in the Pacific ocean!!
Y tambien ver a los salmones regresar a desovar a sus arroyos de origen despues de su largo viaje por el oceano Pacifico!!

And it can sounds a little ''silly'' but it's very nice to see them!! At this exact moment a grandpa and his grandson were on the little bridge with me, and you couldn't say which one of us was more excited about seeing them!!
Y puede sonar algo ''tonto'' pero es genial el poderlos ver!! En este preciso momento un abuelo y su nieto estaban en el puentecito conmigo, y no podrian decir quien de nosotros estaba mas emocionado de verles!!
The geese!! They were in a train tracks ground and this was the best I could do zooming the lens of the camera through one of the ''holes'' of the fence!!
Los gansos!! Estaban en una zona de carriles para trenes y esto fue lo mejor que pude hacer con el zoom de la camara a traves de uno de los ''huecos'' de la reja!!

I was talking with John and after telling him what I just saw, I hanged up, took some pictures, and called him back, completely excited about being there with them (the geese)!!!
Estaba hablando con John y luego de decirle lo que acababa de ver, colgue, tome algunas fotos, y lo volvi a llamar, super emocionada de estar alli con ellos (los gansos)!!!
By now you probably know how much I like geese, Canadian geese!!
Ahora ya probablemente saben cuanto me gustan los gansos, los gansos Canadienses!!

Some resting and enjoying some sunshine, others looking for food on the tracks, and all of them making me feel a lot of joy!!
Algunos descansando y gozando algo de sol, otros buscando comida en los carriles, y todos ellos haciendome sentir muy feliz!!
Can you see the group a little far away?
Pueden ver el grupo un poco alejado?

How fortunate I was having some time between appointments, and of course, being at that specific place!! You see? Perfect place at the perfect time!!
Que afortunada de tener algo de tiempo libre entre las citas, y por supuesto, estar en ese lugar especifico!! Si ven? El lugar perfecto a la hora perfecta!!

They are really pretty!! I was telling John that night that the goslings are cute, and the adults are spectacular, but the ones not babies not adults, even they are cute too, aren't very pretty!!
Son realmente hermosos!! Le decia a John esa noche que los gansitos son preciosos, los adultos son espectaculares, pero los que no son bebes ni adultos, aunque tambien son adorables, no son muy bonitos!!

Zoom it and you could see another group of geese between the locomotor and the first track, they were everywhere!!
Agrandenla y podran ver otro grupo de gansos entre la locomotora y el primer carril, estaban por todas partes!!

What a wonderful time I had being there and enjoying them!!
Que rato mas formidable pase estando alli y disfrutandolos!!

And to finish, children aren't the only ones enjoying with simple things, for me to be there at the right moment and just looking at them was something really amazing!!
Y para terminar, los ninos no son los unicos que gozan con cosas simples, para mi el estar alli en el momento preciso y poderlos ver fue realmente grandioso!!

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