Monday 10 June 2013

Marina, geese, new camera!! - Marina, gansos, nueva camara!!

Monday, May 27, we went to the marina and I took more pictures of the parents-to-be geese, protecting their eggs, not only from us, from the rain too!!
A couple days later, May 29, we came back with John's brother, Austin, and the goslings were born!!
And for the first time, I'm posting some pictures from my new camera, yes, got a new Canon, the old one isn't working very well lately, works whenever!! 
Lunes, Mayo 27, fuimos a la marina y tome mas fotos de los futuros padres, protegiendo sus huevos, no solo de nosotros, de la lluvia tambien!!
Un par de dias mas tarde, Mayo 29, volvimos con el hermano de John, Austin, y los gansitos habian nacido!!
Y por primera vez, estoy bajando fotos de mi nueva camara, si, tengo una nueva Canon, la viejita no esta trabajando bien ultimamente, trabaja cuando quiere!!

 This one was taken Monday, May 27. A little rainy, but don't worry, the eggs are well protected under the wings!!
Esta fue tomada el lunes, 27 de Mayo. Un poco lluvioso, pero no se preocupen, los huevos estan bien protegidos bajo las alas!!

 And this is the first time for John and also for me, that the male comes so close to us, very vigilant!!
Y es la primera vez para John y para mi tambien, que el macho se acerca tanto a nosotros, muy vigilante!!

 Now, May 29, Wednesday. The male looking around and again, very protective!!
Ahora, Mayo 29, Miercoles. El macho mirando alrededor y de nuevo, muy protector!!

 And here is the proud mom, protecting her babies, even we didn't know yet that the goslings were born!!
Y aqui esta la orgullosa mama, protegiendo sus bebes, aunque nosotros no sabiamos aun que los gansitos ya habian nacido!!

 Also a rainy day, but she was doing a very good job as a mom!!
Tambien un dia lluvioso, pero ella estaba haciendo muy buen trabajo como mama!!

Such an adorable one!!
Tan adorable!!
Then, we went to the boat, to show it to Austin.
Luego fuimos al velero, para mostrarselo a Austin.

 And meanwhile John and Austin were walking around the marina, I came back to take more pictures of the goose, with my new camera!!
Y mientras John y Austin caminaban alrededor de la marina, yo regrese a tomarle mas fotos a la gansa, con la nueva camara!!

And ..... what is that little yellow thing under her wing (almost at the bottom of the picture, besides a green little ''plant''!)? And what I'm hearing?, I think the goslings are born!!
Y ..... que es esa pequena cosita amarilla bajo su ala (casi en la parte baja de la foto, al lado de la ''plantica'' verde!)? Y que estoy escuchando?, creo que los gansitos han nacido!!

 I ran to tell John and Austin the goslings were born, then we came back and after a lot of insistence from my part, she finally got up to accommodate herself and I saw 2 goslings running to the back! I'm so grateful I was able to see them, and able to take this picture!! John thinks they are 3, Austin and I think are 2 and the last one (the thinner one) is a wing!!
Corri a decirles a John y Austin que los gansitos habian nacido, luego regresamos y despues de mucho insistir por mi parte, finalmente se levanto a acomodarse y vi 2 gansitos corriendo hacia atras! Estoy tan agradecida que pude verlos, y que pude tomar esta foto!! John cree que son 3, Austin y yo pensamos son 2 y el ultimo (el mas delgadito) es una ala!!
 OK babies, accommodate yourselves, seems mom is saying!! OK bebes, acomodense, parece estar diciendo mama!!

 And using one of the features of the new camera, fish eye, took this picture!
Y usando una de las aplicaciones de la nueva camara, ojo de pescado, tome esta foto!

 It seems John and Austin are having a great time!!
Parece que John y Austin estan pasandola muy bien!!

 I love this picture!! Was planning to take it with the eagle not flying, but once I accommodated the zoom, the eagle began to fly and I took the picture not knowing how good it would be, but when I saw it, I just loved it!!
Adoro esta foto!! Estaba planeando tomarla con el aguila no volando, pero una vez acomode el zoom, el aguila comenzo a volar y tome la foto sin saber que tan buena iba a ser, pero cuando la vi, me encanto!!
And to complete a wonderful day at the marina, these 3 swans were there to make our day even better!!
Y para completar un maravilloso dia en la marina, estos 3 cisnes estaban alli para hacer nuestro dia aun mejor!!

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