Monday 10 June 2013

And now ..... bunnies!! - Y ahora ..... conejitos!!

Yes, I have more pictures from flowers, but today I want to post some of bunnies!!
Si, tengo mas fotos de flores, pero hoy quiero poner varias de unos conejitos!!

 Do you remember the irises from a friend's garden?, these bunnies are hers too!!
Se acuerdan de los iris del jardin de una amiga?, estos conejitos tambien son suyos!!

 This is the mom!! Esta es la mama!!

 Aren't they cute?, lovely ones that show us that life marvels us continuously, that no matter what, life and miracles continue happening!!
No son preciosos? estos adorables conejitos nos muestran que la vida continua maravillandonos, que sin importar nada, la vida y los milagros siguen sucediendo!!
 Mom, aunt or grandma (I can't remember!), and 2 of the little bunnies, maybe thinking ''if we are together, we are stronger!!''
Mama, tia o abuela (no recuerdo!), y 2 de los conejitos, talvez pensando ''si estamos juntos, somos mas fuertes!!''

 And even better, I think that one of the little bunnies is trying to protect his or her brother or sister!!
Y aun mejor, creo que uno de los conejitos esta tratando de proteger su hermano o hermana!!
 What do you want? to take a picture of us? we are ready, do it!!
Que quieres? tomarnos una foto? estamos listos, hazlo!!

  Now that the third one is here, you can take the picture and then, leave us alone!!
Ahora que el tercero esta aqui, puedes tomarnos una foto y luego, dejanos tranquilos!!

And I left them alone after the ''picture session'' was over!
Y los deje tranquilos una vez la ''sesion fotografica'' termino!!

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