Saturday 12 October 2013

Surrey Lake Park - Parque del Lago Surrey

Almost one week ago (last Sunday), we had another beautiful day here in Surrey, and with John wanting to enjoy more sunshine, we went to another park (Surrey Lake) for a short walk!!
Hace casi una semana (el pasado domingo), tuvimos otro hermoso dia aqui en Surrey, y con John queriendo disfrutar algo mas de sol, fuimos a otro parque (Lago Surrey) para una corta caminata!!

Just SPECTACULAR!! Look at this masterpiece of God's art, the wings, its body and its colors, everything about it!! So glad I was there, and that the dragonfly was there, what a perfect timing for a perfect opportunity!!
Simplemente ESPECTACULAR!! Miren esta obra de arte de Dios, las alas, su cuerpo y sus colores, todo sobre ella!! Super afortunada de haber estado alli, y que la libelula estaba alli, que momento mas perfecto para una oportunidad perfecta!!

Enjoying with them what nature has to offer to them and to us too!!
Disfrutando con ellas lo que la naturaleza les ofrece y a nosotros tambien!!

Don't know what they were looking at, but both of them look interested!!
No se que estaban mirando, pero ambos lucen interesados!!

What a great day!! Nice weather, John and I enjoying the park together, John enjoying some sunshine meanwhile I was around taking pictures of some of the wonderful animals there, all ingredients for a great day!!
Que gran dia!! Clima agradable, John y yo juntos y gozando del parque, John disfrutando algo de sol mientras yo tomaba fotos de algunos animales maravillosos alrededor, todos ingredientes para un gran dia!!

One of the most important things in life is to enjoy it, to be happy, even with little things!! Like this spider, that gave me the opportunity to continue practicing close ups, and also gave me joy and a little more experience!!
Una de las cosas mas importantes en la vida es disfrutar de esta, ser feliz, aun con pequenas cosas!! Como esta arana, que me dio la oportunidad de seguir practicando acercamientos, y tambien me dio gozo y un poco mas de experiencia!!
I'm becoming more and more ''expert'' taking pictures of spiders and their webs, don't you agree?!!
Me estoy volviendo mas y mas ''experta'' tomando fotos de aranas y sus telaranas, no estan de acuerdo?!!

''Use what talents you possess. The woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang the best.'' Henry Van Dyke
And for me, using my pictures to show my family and friends all the wonderful things we can enjoy here, is my way to share one of my talents with all of you!!
''Usa los talentos que posees. Los bosques serian muy silenciosos si no hubiera pajaros cantando excepto los que mejor cantan.'' Henry Van Dyke
Y para mi, usar mis fotos para mostrarles a mi familia y amistades todas las cosas maravillosas que podemos disfrutar aqui, es mi manera de compartir uno de mis talentos con todos ustedes!!

Was a short visit but very enjoyable with John, the dragonfly, ducks and turtles enjoying the lake, and the blue heron as well!!
Fue una visita corta pero muy agradable con John, la libelula, los patos y las tortugas disfrutando del lago, y la garza azul tambien!!

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