Sunday 20 October 2013

Miscelaneus - Miscelaneas

Today I'm sending more flowers pictures!! This week I went to get some groceries, and as I went walking, I had the opportunity to enjoy more beautiful flowers in different gardens .... and to take pictures of them too!!
Hoy les estoy enviando mas fotos de flores!! Esta semana fui a mercar algo, y como me fui caminando, tuve la oportunidad de disfrutar mas flores hermosas en jardines diferentes.... y tomarles fotos tambien!!

Even it's Autumn, we still can find some roses around, and of course, we are still enjoying them!!
Aunque es otono, aun podemos encontrar algunas rosas alrededor, y por supuesto, aun las seguimos gozando!!

How lucky we are being able to enjoy the dahlias for extended period of times (between garden flowers, it's one that continues blooming for longer periods than the normal average)!!
Que afortunados somos de poder disfrutar las dalias por largos periodos (entre las flores de jardin, es una de las que continua floreciendo por periodos mas largos que los promedios normales)!!

We are very fortunate being able to enjoy flowers like these beautiful Dahlias!!
Somos bien afortunados de poder disfrutar flores tan hermosas como estas dalias!!

The other day I received an email from a good friend, and it says something like that being able to see is a blessing, but being able to see in colors, what an awesome blessing!! And just look at this picture, what a blessing to be able to enjoy so much about these gorgeous flowers!!
El otro dia recibi un email de una buena amiga, y dice algo como que poder ver es una bendicion, pero poder ver en colores, que bendicion mas formidable!! Y solo miren esta foto, que bendicion poder disfrutar tanto sobre estas hermosas flores!!

Just a "normal" picture, but things that we commonly classify as "normal", are normally extraordinary if we just take a closer look. All we have to do is open our eyes!!
Simplemente una foto "normal", pero las cosas que normalmente clasificamos como "normales", son normalmente extraordinarias si les miramos mas de cerca. Todo lo que necesitamos hacer es abrir nuestros ojos!!

Miracles are in all around us. Imagine if we had to think about breathing, or about listening, or about feeling. You don't, it just happens. Isn't that amazing?!!!
Los milagros estan en todo a nuestro alrededor.  Imagina si tuvieramos que pensar en respirar, o en escuchar, o en sentir. No tenemos que, simplemente sucede. No es grandioso?!!!
Little one: ''You're very pretty!!''
The other one: ''Thanks. You too. And if you wait just for a little longer, you'll be just like me!!''
They really seem taking to each other. 
Capullo: ''Eres muy hermosa!!''
La otra: ''Gracias. Tu tambien. Y si esperas un poquito mas, vas a ser tal como yo!!''
Realmente parecen estar hablando entre ellas. 

Realize that beauty exists in every moment is possible; it simply takes a way of seeing things a bit differently!!
Darse cuenta de que la belleza existe en cada momento es posible; simplemente necesitamos ver las cosas en una forma un poco diferente!!

Life is all changes. Some of us resist change (and suffer), but some of us have also learned to adapt. And that's part of the beauty of life, we should learn to be like these flowers, that they don't resist, they just adapt and no matter what, they achieve their purpose!!
La vida es toda cambios. Algunos nos resistimos al cambio (y sufrimos), pero algunos tambien hemos aprendido a adaptarnos. Y esa es parte de la belleza de la vida, deberiamos aprender a ser como estas flores, que no se resisten, simplemente se adaptan y sin importar nada mas, cumplen su proposito!!

Incredible what little ''changes'' can do, and not only with this picture, with our lives as well!!
Increible lo que unos pequenos ''cambios'' pueden hacer, y no solo con esta foto, con nuestras vidas tambien!!

And to finish, here you have another gorgeous rose, this time from our front garden!!
Y para terminar, aqui tienen otra rosa preciosa, esta vez de nuestro jardin del frente!!

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