Friday 11 April 2014

A wonderful week!! - Una semana grandiosa!!

The first week of April was a great one. The first Wednesday we went to the marina and guess who are back? The geese, that came back that day!! That same day, the mom of our friend Lula celebrated her 110 birthday!!, I went to her party the following day and had a lot of fun!! And that Friday I went out, and when coming back walking noticed some really cute flowers that even I probably have seen them before, I just noticed their delicacy and beautiful color!!
La primera semana de Abril fue grandiosa. El primer miercoles fuimos a la marina y adivinen quienes estan de regreso? Los gansos, que regresaron ese dia!! Ese mismo dia, la mama de nuestra amiga Lula cumplio 110 anos!!, fui a su fiesta al dia siguiente y nos divertimos bastante!! Y ese viernes sali, y cuando regrese caminando note unas flores preciosas que aunque probablemente ya las habia visto antes, apenas note su delicadeza y hermoso color!!

Once we were entering our pier, the owner of the flower pot told us the geese came back that morning, and she put some branches (besides the flower pot) for the female goose to use to build her nest, what she did!!
Una vez estabamos entrando a nuestro muelle, la duena de la matera nos dijo que los gansos habian regresado esa manana, y ella les puso algunas ramitas (al lado de la matera) para que la gansa las usara para construir el nido, y lo hizo!!

And of course, the male is around, ready to protect her and the eggs once she lays them!!
Y por supuesto, el macho alrededor, listo para protegerla y a los huevos una vez los ponga!!

How incredible nature is!! Year after year, they come back to the same place and the same flower pot, where the female can have more than 50 goslings during her life spam!!
Que increible es la naturaleza!! Ano tras ano, regresan al mismo lugar y a la misma matera, donde la hembra puede tener mas de 50 gansitos durante su vida reproductiva!!

I found the males to be perfect examples of how protective they should be of their partner, the eggs, and later the goslings!! Even very aggressive, they are doing the best they can!!
Encuentro que los machos son ejemplos perfectos de que tan protectores deben ser con sus parejas, los huevos, y mas tarde los gansitos!! Aunque son muy agresivos, creo que hacen lo mejor que pueden!!  

I really hope we'll be able to "enjoy" the goslings this year again!! John has seen the geese since the first time they came to the marina (2011), and the goslings twice. I have seen them 3 times this time, and the goslings just last year, and was amazing!! 
Espero que podamos "disfrutar" de los gansitos este ano de nuevo!! John ha visto los gansos desde la primera vez que vinieron a la marina (2011), y los gansitos dos veces. Yo los he visto 3 veces con esta, y los gansitos apenas el ano pasado, y fue grandioso!!
Time to let them enjoy their first day nesting there again!!
Hora de dejarlos disfrutar su primer dia anidando alli de nuevo!!

One day Lula came to visit and noticed that most of the paintings and posters in our house are scenes similar to this one. This painting used to belong to her mother and Lula had it in her garage for some time, but that day she asked if we wanted it, and some weeks ago she brought it and now is adorning our living room!! And the frame? It reminds me of the frames of some of the paintings in my house in Colombia!! John and I really love it!!
Un dia Lula vino a visitarnos y noto que la mayoria de nuestras pinturas y posters son de escenas similares a esta. El cuadro era de su mama y Lula lo tenia en su garaje desde hacia un tiempo, pero ese dia nos pregunto que si lo queriamos, y hace unas semanas nos lo trajo y ahora esta adornando nuestro salon!! Y el marco? Me recuerda los marcos de algunas pinturas de mi casa en Colombia!! A John y a mi nos encanta!!
And now, Anna, during her 110 birthday party!! She is believed to be the oldest person in British Columbia!! I think she came from one of the Scandinavian countries when being young. 
Y ahora, Anna, durante su 110 fiesta de cumpleanos!! Se cree que es la persona de mas edad en British Columbia!! Creo que vino de uno de los Paises Nordicos cuando era joven.

With her daughter Lula and some friends, me included (still with my coat on)!!
Con su hija Lula y algunas amigas, yo incluida (aun con mi abrigo)!!

Love this picture!! And fortunately, Lula too!! Grabbing her daughter's hand like saying "I know you are here and are my support!!"
Adoro esta foto!! Y afortunadamente, Lula tambien!! Agarrando la mano de su hija como diciendo "Yo se que estas aqui y eres mi apoyo!!"

A delicious cake prepared by the chef at the retirement home where she lives!!
Un bizcocho delicioso preparado por el chef de la casa de retiro (ancianato) donde ella vive!!

Enjoying her party!! Doesn't she look amazing for her age?
Disfrutando de su fiesta!! No luce grandiosa para su edad?

She didn't blow the candles out (Lula did), but she tried the icing!!
No apago las velas (Lula lo hizo), pero si probo la cubierta!!

Another elderly (the white hair woman) and one of the workers, dancing and enjoying the party!!
Otra anciana (la mujer de cabello blanco) y una empleada, bailando y gozando de la fiesta!!

Of course she has "issues" that are normal for her age, but doing well in general!! Who knows? Maybe she'll be able to celebrate 111 too!!
Por supuesto tiene "achaques" que son normales para su edad, pero esta bien en general!! Quien sabe? De pronto hasta podra celebrar sus 111 tambien!!

She is the oldest person I know, and what a privilege!! "Do not regret growing older. It's a privilege denied to many." Unknown.
Es la persona de mas edad que conozco, y que privilegio!! "No te quejes por envejecer. Es un privilegio negado a muchos." Autor desconocido.
She was not very smiley at the beginning, but seems she enjoyed the party, at least she finished with some beautiful smiles!!
No estaba muy sonriente al principio, pero parece que disfruto la fiesta, al menos termino con algunas sonrisas preciosas!!

And here you have the flowers I mentioned!! They look a little like cherry blossoms but they aren't from a tree and of course, that's not the color for cherry blossoms either!!
Y aqui tienen las flores que mencione!! Lucen un poco como las de los cerezos pero no son de un arbol y por supuesto, tampoco es el color de las flores de los cerezos!!

Everything has a time. Let's not force anything, let's be like the flowers, millions of them opening every day without forcing the buds, and always at the perfect time!!
Todo tiene su tiempo. No forcemos nada, seamos como las flores, millones de ellas abriendose cada dia sin forzar los capullos, y siempre en el momento adecuado!!

And with this one I finish today's post. Next time I'll post some more pictures where you'll be able to see how beautifully spring is going on!!
Y con esta termino la tanda de hoy. Para la proxima bajare mas fotos donde podran ver en que forma tan hermosa la primavera sigue su ritmo!!

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