Monday 28 April 2014

Tulips!! - Tulipanes!!

The other day, looking for information about tulips, noticed that there was a tulip festival in Agassiz, a place 2 hours away from our home. With John's brother visiting, I suggested to go there and enjoy an amazing, impressive, spectacular, wonderful, marvelous show, and we did it, we went!!
John drove but once there, the day was a little cold and wet, and meanwhile Danny and I went inside and enjoyed walking between them, John waited for us in the car .... meanwhile taking a nap!!
I won't write about every picture, there are too many!!, and as the saying says: "A picture is worth a thousand words.", and I'm sure you all will enjoy every one of them, without any other explanation!!
And even some of them are very similar (I took 209 pictures!!), I'm sure you will enjoy all of them, just "run" them as a presentation!!
El otro dia, buscando informacion sobre los tulipanes, note que habia un festival de tulipanes en Agassiz, un lugar a 2 horas de aqui. Con el hermano de John de visita, sugeri que fueramos y disfrutar de un show asombroso, impresionante, espectacular, fabuloso, maravilloso, y lo hicimos, fuimos!!
John manejo pero una vez alli, el dia estaba algo frio y humedo, y mientras Danny y yo entramos y disfrutamos caminando entre ellos, John espero por nosotros en el carro ..... mientras tomaba una siesta!!
No voy a escribir sobre cada foto, son demasiadas!!, pero como dice el dicho: "Una imagen vale mas que mil palabras.", y estoy segura que van a disfrutar cada una de ellas, sin ninguna otra explicacion!! 
Y aunque algunas son muy parecidas (tome 209 fotos!!), estoy segura disfrutaran todas ellas, simplemente "pasenlas" como una presentacion!!

Just arriving, leaving the car and going inside!!
Apenas llegando, saliendo del carro y llendo hacia adentro!!

Even John didn't go inside, he was able to see and enjoy the tulips fields!!!
Aunque John no entro, pudo ver y disfrutar los campos de tulipanes!!!

Can you see my happiness? I was in paradise!!
Pueden ver mi felicidad? Estaba en el paraiso!!

Dan, John's brother. It was drizzling and Dan was OK with the umbrella, I had so many things (purse, camera, another camara (the professional one, in its case)),  that I decided for the hood, and that was good enough!!
Dan, el hermano de John. Estaba lloviznando y Dan estaba bien con el paraguas, yo tenia tantas cosas (bolso, camara, otra camara (la profesional, en su estuche)), que me decidi por la caperuza, y con esa fue suficiente!! 

I left this "heart" there, but the fields will be in my heart forever!!
Deje este "corazon" alli, pero los campos estaran en mi corazon por siempre!!




Once Dan and I came back, John went out of the car and we took more pictures with him and part of the fields in them!!
Una vez Dan y yo regresamos, John salio del carro y tomamos mas fotos con el y parte de los campos en ellas!!

And of course, before leaving , some more from outside, as pretty and some even prettier than the ones I took inside!!
Y por supuesto, antes de partir, unas mas desde afuera, tan hermosas y algunas aun mas bonitas que las que tome adentro!!

Of course I needed to bring some home, and hopefully I'll be sending pictures of the flowers some day soon!!
Por supuesto tenia que traerme algunos a casa, y espero estare mandandoles fotos de las flores algun dia pronto!!

And after enjoying such a magnificent show, I continue enjoying them .... at home!!
Y luego de disfrutar de un show tan magnifico, los sigo disfrutando ..... en casa!!

And here I finish with the pictures of a beautiful, precious, spectacular, splendid, magnificent day in my life, with the hope that they'll create a beautiful, precious, spectacular, splendid, magnificent day for you too!!
Y aqui termino con las fotos de un hermoso, precioso, espectacular, esplendido, magnifico dia en mi vida, con la esperanza de que crearan un hermoso, precioso, espectacular, esplendido, magnifico dia para ustedes tambien!!

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