Wednesday 23 April 2014

Bear Creek Park with John!! - Parque Quebrada del oso con John!!

As I mentioned in the last one, that week I went more than once to the park, and one of that times with John, making me very happy because we enjoyed a gorgeous place together!!
Como mencione en el ultimo, esa semana fui mas de una vez al parque, y una de esas veces con John, lo que me hizo muy feliz porque disfrutamos juntos de un lugar precioso!!

Beautiful magnolias!!! Just across the park, but with such a wonderful fragrance and its magnificence appearance, it was very logical to be attracted to them and of course, to take pictures of them too!!
Hermosas magnolias!!! Al otro lado del parque, pero con una fragancia espectacular y su apariencia magnifica, era logico que me atrayeran y por supuesto, que les tomara fotos tambien!!

There is an ancient story that a robin perched on the cross when Jesus was dying and trying to help Him took one thorn from his crown and pricked itself and that's how they have a red breast (that it doesn't look red to me)!!
Hay una historia antigua que dice que un petirrojo se poso en la cruz cuando Jesus estaba muriendo y tratando de ayudarlo tomo una de las espinas de su corona y se pincho y es por esto que los petirrojos tienen el pecho rojo (que a mi no me parece rojo)!!
Don't know if somebody or maybe a squirrel left them there, but what a great opportunity for a nice picture!!
No se si alguien o talvez una ardilla los dejo ahi, pero que gran oportunidad para una bonita foto!!
And what about this one? Beauty is all around for those of us who want to see it!!
Y que hay de esta? La belleza esta a todo nuestro alrededor para aquellos que queremos verla!!

I've never touched them, but even I suppose they are soft, these fungi look like stones!!
Nunca los he tocado, pero aunque me supongo son blandos, estos hongos lucen como piedras!!
And here I begin when visiting it with John!! We really enjoyed a sunny and beautiful spring afternoon!!
Y aqui comienzo cuando lo visite con John!! Realmente disfrutamos de una hermosa y soleada tarde primaveral!!

Yes, it's a tulip!! With so many species and colors, it isn't difficult to find some people that can think this isn't a tulip!!
Si, es un tulipan!! Con tantas clases y colores, no es dificil encontrar algunas personas que puedan pensar que este no es un tulipan!!
I love all of them, no matter the color or the shape!!
A todos los adoro, sin importar el color o la forma!!

And walking and resting meanwhile I was taking pictures, we both had a sensational time that afternoon!!
Y caminando y descansando mientras yo estaba tomando fotos, pasamos un rato sensacional esa tarde!!

A blue flower symbolizes hope and the beauty of things, and with that color, I completely agree about its beauty!!!
Una flor azul simboliza esperanza y la belleza de las cosas, y con ese color, estoy completamente de acuerdo sobre su belleza!!
And here again, John's favorite!! And this time was even better, he was able to enjoy the blue anemone and not in one of my pictures!!
Y aqui de nuevo, la favorita de John!! Y esta vez aun mejor, pudo disfrutar la anemona azul y no en una de mis fotos!!
Just seeing them opening one little flower at a time, I cannot avoid feeling blessed and completely alive!!
Simplemente viendolas abrirse una florecita a la vez, no puedo evitar el sentirme bendecida y completamente viva!!

Let's take time to smell the flowers, let's take time to marvel with nature!!
Tomemonos tiempo para oler las flores, tomemonos tiempo para maravillarnos con la naturaleza!!

Like flowers, we don't have to live forever, we just have to live every day of our lives the best way possible!!
Como las flores, no necesitamos vivir por siempre, solo necesitamos vivir cada dia de nuestras vidas de la mejor forma posible!!

A perfect way to relax? Sit down near some of these flowers and relax with the sensational fragrances and all the colors around!!
Una forma perfecta de relajarse? Sientense cerca de algunas de estas flores y relajense con las fragancias sensacionales y todos los colores alrededor!!

Hyacinths. They are from the family of the lilies, and with a wonderful fragrance as well!!
Jacintos. Son de la familia de los lirios, y tambien con una fragancia grandiosa!!

John waiting for the little train to wave to children and parents enjoying the ride!!
John esperando el trencito para saludar a los ninos y padres disfrutando del recorrido!!

It's incredible to think that they originated from wild plants!! The cultivation began in Persia, probably in the 10th. century!!
Increible pensar que se originaron de plantas silvestres!! Los cultivos comenzaron en Persia, probablemente en el siglo X (10)!!

Before ....
Antes ....

And after .... Couldn't decide which one to post, then posted both!!
Y despues ..... No pude decidirme por cual bajar, asi que baje ambas!!

I can only marvel at the beauty of it!!  Miracles happen everyday and everywhere, we just need to open our eyes and we'll see them all around us!!
Solo puedo maravillarme con su belleza!! Los milagros suceden cada dia y por todas partes, solo necesitamos abrir nuestros ojos y los veremos a todo nuestro alrededor!!
And now, the ones at home!! How lucky we are being able to enjoy them in our gardens!!
Y ahora, los de casa!! Que suerte tenemos de poder disfrutarlos en nuestros jardines!!

They are open now, but I love them close, opening, and open too!!!
Ya estan abiertos, pero los adoro cerrados, abriendo, y abiertos tambien!!

And this one is from another garden, but there for all of us to enjoy!!
Y este es de otro jardin, pero ahi para todos disfrutarlo!!

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