Monday 31 March 2014

Nature 's rebirth!! - El renacimiento de la naturaleza!!

As I have mentioned before, all seasons have something to love about, and with spring, seeing all the buds, the flowers, the leaves, everything "rebirthing", is absolutely amazing!!
Como ya he mencionado antes, todas las estaciones tienen algo que hace que las adoremos, y con la primavera, viendo todos los capullos, las flores, las hojas, todo "renaciendo", es absolutamente asombroso!!

What a magnificent experience to see the world around to become alive once again!!
Que experiencia tan magnifica ver el mundo a nuestro alrededor volver a la vida una vez mas!!

It's a season to enjoy the fresh scents, the bright colors, the excitement and zest for life that it creates within us!!
Es una estacion para disfrutar las frescas esencias, los colores tan vivos, la emocion y el gusto por la vida que crea en nosotros!!  

It's also the time for ducks to build their nests and have their ducklings, and I really hope that with my frequent visits to the park, I'll be able to enjoy some of them around!!
Es tambien el momento para los patos construir sus nidos y tener sus paticos, y realmente espero que con mis frecuentes visitas al parque, podre disfrutar algunos de ellos alrededor!!

And to enjoy the robins singing as well!!
Y tambien disfrutar de los mirlos petirrojos cantando!!

A kind of funny fact about robins is that they prefer to eat earthworms in the morning and more fruit later in the day, and this one was probably looking for something to eat, but I was fascinated with its feathers!!
Algo gracioso sobre los mirlos petirrojos es que prefieren comer lombrices en la manana y fruta mas tarde durante el dia, y este probablemente estaba buscando algo para comer, pero yo estaba fascinada con sus plumas!!

How much joy we can get from them!! Listening to their songs, seeing them, their beauty and their flying grace, and their freedom that allows all of us to enjoy them around us!!
Cuanto gozo podemos conseguir de ellos!! Escuchando sus cantos, viendolos, su belleza y su gracia al volar, y su libertad que nos permite a todos disfrutarlos a nuestro alrededor!!
Can you see my smile :) :)? The tulips are coming!!! These ones are from our front garden!!
Pueden ver mi sonrisa :) :)? Los tulipanes ya vienen!!! Estos son de nuestro jardin del frente!!

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