Tuesday 25 March 2014


Last week I went with a friend to move her horse, Arabella, from where she was to a new place.
It was a sunny, little cold, and windy day, but seeing Arabella enjoying its new place and new "friends" was just great!!
La semana pasada fui con una amiga a mover su yegua, Arabella, de donde estaba a un lugar nuevo. Fue un dia soleado, un poco frio, y con viento, pero el ver a Arabella disfrutando su nuevo hogar y nuevas "amigas" fue simplemente grandioso!!

"Hey, look my new stall, it looks great!!" seems to be saying.
"Hey, miren mi nuevo establo, luce genial!!" parece estar diciendo. 

As I mentioned before, it was a windy day, and she was probably loving the wind playing with her mane!!
Como mencione antes, fue un dia con viento, y ella probablemente estaba encantada con el viento jugando con su crin!!

"The essential joy of being with horses is that it brings us in contact with the rare elements of grace, beauty, spirit, and fire." Sharon Ralls Lemon. 
"El gozo esencial de estar con caballos es que nos pone en contacto con los elementos poco frecuentes de la gracia, la belleza, el espiritu, y el fuego." Sharon Ralls Lemon.

Showing herself in all her splendor!!
Mostrandose en todo su esplendor!!

"Great!! I'm going to my new pasture and to meet my new friends!!"
"Grandioso!! Voy a mi nuevo prado y a conocer mis nuevas amigas!!"

It seems the goats are asking "Who is that one?"!!
Parece que las cabras estan preguntando "Quien es esa?"!!

"I'm Arabella, who are you?", meanwhile enjoying her new home for the first time!!
"Yo soy Arabella, quienes son ustedes?", mientras esta disfrutando de su nuevo hogar por primera vez!! 

They are very sociable and easily accept animals of other species (like horses) as companions, I'm pretty sure that after a little while they were enjoying with their new friend!!
Son muy sociables y facilmente aceptan animales de otras especies (como caballos) como compania, estoy segura que luego de un rato estaban disfrutando con su nueva amiga!!
It was funny to see them being curious about each other,  and I'm thankful as well for all the laughs I had with them that day!!
Fue gracioso ver la curiosidad entre ellas, y tambien estoy agradecida por las veces que me hicieron reir ese dia!!
It seems their curiosity was greater than their fear!! We didn't see the goats and Arabella together, but even it probably took some time, for sure that afternoon they were together sharing the pasture!!
Parece que su curiosidad fue mas grande que su miedo!! No vimos las cabras y Arabella juntas, pero aunque probablemente tomo algo de tiempo, seguro que esa tarde ya estaban compartiendo el prado!!

Saying "see you" before leaving Arabella in her new home!!
Diciendo "nos vemos" antes de dejar a Arabella en su nuevo hogar!!

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