Friday 27 September 2013

50 months!! - 50 meses!!

Sept. 25th., the same day he received his 2nd. cycle of chemo, was also our 50 months wedding anniversary!! We enjoyed a nice dinner (I prepared lasagna, that he loves!!), but before beginning with it, we also toasted with our favorite sparkling juice, the same kind from our wedding!!
Sept. 25, el mismo dia que John recibio su 2do. ciclo de quimo, fue tambien nuestro 50 meses aniversario!! Disfrutamos de una agradable cena (prepare lasagna que le encanta!!), pero antes de comenzar a cenar, brindamos con nuestro jugo espumoso favorito, la misma clase de nuestra boda!!

''To our health, and many, many more months and years together and more and more in love everyday!!''
''A nuestra salud, y muchos, muchos mas meses y anos juntos y mas y mas enamorados cada dia!!''

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