Saturday 14 September 2013

Sept. 14. Transformation - Transformacion.

Some days after coming from the hospital, and without chemo for some days as well (he stopped the pills meanwhile in the hospital and until finishing the antibiotic he's still taking), some side effects are still showing up, like loosing his hair!! A couple of days ago he began loosing some hair but today he decided to shave it, and here you have the before - during - after!! I am telling him that he really looks great, very sexy!!, isn't it?

Unos dias despues de regresar del hospital, y sin quimo por algunos dias tambien (paro las pildoras mientras estuvo en el hospital y hasta que termine con el antibiotico que todavia esta tomando), algunos efectos secundarios aun estan apareciendo, como la perdida de cabello!! Hace un par de dias comenzo a perder algo de cabello pero hoy decidio afeitarlo, y aqui tienen el antes - durante - despues!! Y yo le estoy diciendo que luce grandioso, muy sexy!!, no es asi?

Outside, in the backyard. His hair until today!!
Afuera, en el jardin trasero. Con su pelo hasta hoy!!

 Still with hair, enjoying his big chair!! Aun con cabello, disfrutando de su poltrona!!

First, cut the hair as short as possible (here still with some very very short hair!) .....
Primero, cortar el cabello tan corto como sea posible (aqui aun con algo de cabello, muy muy corto!)

 And finally, with his head shaved!! I really think he looks great, and now I can see a little more resemblance with one of his brothers, Dan, also bold and with a mustache!!
Y finalmente, con su cabeza afeitada!! Yo realmente creo que luce genial, y ahora puedo notar un poco mas de parecido con uno de sus hermanos, Dan, tambien calvo y con bigote!!  

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