Saturday 25 May 2013

They are back, again!! - Estan de regreso, de nuevo!!

They are back!!! and hopefully this time, I'll be able to enjoy the whole family!!
Estan de regreso!!! y espero que esta vez, pueda disfrutar de la familia completa!!

Still Spring, and of course, still a lot of flowers around!!
Aun primavera, y por supuesto, aun con muchas flores alrededor!!
 Yes, they're back!!! Like the last 3 years, they are back to their ''favorite'' spot!!
Si, estan de regreso!! Como los ultimos 3 anos, estan de regreso a su punto ''favorito!!

 Fortunately, the flower pot is still there and big enough for them to nest!!
Afortunadamente, la matera aun esta ahi y lo suficientemente grande para ellos anidar!!

 But for next year, I'll suggest the owner to cut all the little branches, I don't think the goose is ''comfy'' with them under her/him!!
Pero para el ano entrante, voy a sugerirle a la duena que corte las ramitas, no creo que la gansa o ganso esten ''confortables'' con ellas debajo de ellos!!
 Anyway, I think that for them (the goose), the most important ''disturbance'' are us (humans)!!
De todas formas, creo que para ellos (los gansos), lo que mas los disturba somos nosotros (humanos)!!
 And that pot isn't the only one, they have more .... with flowers!!
Y esa no es la unica matera, hay mas .... con flores!!

 Maybe that's what attract them, water, flowers, and a nice pot for them to nest!!
Tal vez eso sea lo que los atrae, estar cerca del agua, con flores y una buena matera para anidar!!

Glad any other bird took this one, that way, now, we can enjoy this beautiful ''plant/flower''!!
Que suerte que ningun otro pajaro se ''adueno'' de esta, asi, ahora, podemos disfrutar de esta hermosa ''planta-flor''!!
 And I think this goose is grateful we're leaving!! Y pienso que el ganso/a debe estar agradecido que ya nos vamos!! 

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