Saturday 25 June 2016

Cherries and raccoon!! - Cerezas y mapache!!

The last weekend of May 2009 I moved in with John and the last weekend of May 2016, 7 years later!!, I just discovered that we have a cherry tree in our backyard!!!
I was very excited and some days later I began enjoying some very sweet and delicious cherries, as many as I could because they were a little high and I had "competence" with birds, and another animals like raccoons!!!
El ultimo fin de semana de Mayo 2009 me mude con John y el ultimo fin de semana de Mayo 2016, 7 anos despues!!, descubri que tenemos un cerezo en el jardin trasero!!!
Me emocione mucho y algunos dias mas tarde comenze a disfrutar algunas cerezas muy dulces y deliciosas, tantas como pude porque estaban algo altas y tenia "competencia" con pajaros, y otros animales como mapaches!!!

Fortunately, it was enjoying the higher ones that I couldn't reach!!!
Afortunadamente, este estaba disfrutando de las mas altas que yo no podia alcanzar!!!

Some days after finishing enjoying them (the last ones were too ripe and very high!!), I was with one of my windows open and listened a couple animals "fighting", went out and a big raccoon was attacking a smaller one, with the smaller one almost falling from the branch. Began to scream trying to stop the fight and finally the bigger one left and I felt like I saved the smaller one!!
Algunos dias despues de terminar de disfrutarlas (las ultimas estaban muy maduras y muy altas!!), estaba con una de mis ventanas abierta y escuche un par de animales "peleando", sali y un mapache grande estaba atacando uno pequeno, y el pequeno casi cayendose de la rama. Comenze a gritar tratando de parar la pelea y finalmente el mas grande se fue y senti como que habia salvado al pequeno!!
It was making a "crying" sound but didn't see any blood and at least wasn't hanging from the branch!!
Estaba haciendo un sonido como "llorando" pero no le vi sangre y al menos no estaba colgando de la rama!!

Ran inside and change the lens and here you have a couple of really cute pictures, with the raccoon now safe and sound in a bigger branch!!
Corri adentro y cambie el lente y aqui tienen un par de fotos super tiernas, con el mapache a salvo y en una rama mas grande!!
Just one word, ADORABLE!!!!
Solo una palabra, ADORABLE!!!!

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