Saturday 4 January 2014

Family!! - Familia!!

Have you ever think about how different our lives would be if we were born into another family?
I think that we are born into our particular family because they are the ones that will help us to grow, to evolve!! We need our family and friends in our lives, to learn whatever we need to learn from all of them. Thanks to them, we became the people we are!!
Anyway, we all are God's children, and that's the important thing!!
Han pensado alguna vez que tan diferentes serian nuestras vidas si hubieramos nacido en otra familia?
Yo creo que nacimos en nuestra familia en particular porque ellos son los que nos ayudan a crecer, a evolucionar!! Necesitamos a nuestra familia y amistades en nuestras vidas, para aprender lo que necesitemos aprender de ellos. Gracias a ellos, nos convertimos en las personas que somos!!
De todas formas, todos somos hijos de Dios, y eso es lo que importa!!

My dad with two of his grandchildren (both from my sister Pilar) and his second great-grand-child!! The one carrying the baby is the uncle, the other one is the dad!!
Mi papa con dos de sus nietos (ambos de mi hermana Pilar) y su segundo bisnieto!! El que esta cargando el bebe es el tio, el otro es el papa!!

And now, as I wrote before, to continue with one of my ''resolutions'' for 2014, here you have some pictures I took today, Jan. 4th.
I went out to do something, and coming back home, came through Bear Creek park again, first time this year!! 
Y ahora, como ya les escribi, para continuar con una de mis ''resoluciones'' para el 2014, aqui tienen algunas fotos que tome hoy, 4 de Enero.
Sali a hacer algo, y regresando a casa, me vine cruzando el parque Quebrada del Oso de nuevo, la primera vez este ano!! 

No matter the season, no matter the weather, they are always enjoying there!! And me with them!!
No importa la estacion, no importa el clima, ellos siempre estan ahi disfrutando!! Y yo con ellos!!

Some of them come to spawn, and some of them to die where they were born. And this one, because of the size, seems had a long and hopefully, nice life!!
Algunos de ellos vienen a desovar, y algunos de ellos a morir donde nacieron. Y este, por el tamano, parece que tuvo una larga y esperemos, agradable vida!!

 A ''normal'' duck, but even I see this kind of duck frequently, I continue admiring their beauty and ''perfection'', look at that colors!!
Un pato ''normal'', pero aunque veo esta clase de pato frecuentemente, todavia admiro su belleza y ''perfeccion'', miren esos colores!!
It's kind of ''funny'' how males are so beautiful, and females, even pretty too, are less ''colorful''. But as with everything, there is a perfect explanation, once the female has her babies, she needs to be able to hide herself and her young too!!
Es algo ''simpatico'' lo hermosos que son los machos, y las hembras, aunque bonitas tambien, son menos ''coloridas''. Pero como con todo, hay una explicacion perfecta, una vez la hembra tiene sus bebes, necesita ser capaz de camuflarse y a sus bebes tambien!!
With its glossy green head, for sure it can call the attention of the females, and ours too!!
Con su cabeza verde brillante, seguro que puede llamar la atencion de las hembras, y la nuestra tambien!!

But females are so beautiful too!! If you can zoom the picture, do it, you'll be able to admire the feathers, the different tones, its grandiosity!!
Pero las hembras son tan hermosas tambien!! Si pueden agrandar la foto, haganlo, podran admirar sus plumas, los diferentes tonos, su grandiosidad!!

The mallards are the ancestors of several domestic breeds, and being so gorgeous, I can understand why some people want to have them ''adorning'' their backyards!!
Fortunately, I can enjoy them in a big park close to home!!
Los patos mallard son los ancestros de varias razas de patos domesticos, y siendo tan hermosos, puedo entender el por que algunas personas los quieren para ''adornar'' sus jardines!!
Afortunadamente, yo los puedo disfrutar en un gran parque cerca a casa!!

A gorgeous Winter afternoon!! And as you can see, I wasn't the only one enjoying it!! I didn't want them in the picture, but the colors were so ''perfect'' I decided to take it......
Una gloriosa tarde de invierno!! Y como pueden ver, no era la unica disfrutandola!! No los queria en la foto, pero los colores eran tan ''perfectos'' que decidi tomarla..... 

And I fortunately did it, because a couple of minutes later, look the difference!! Even this one is also nice, the colors are completely different!! 
Y afortunadamente lo hice, porque un par de minutos mas tarde, miren la diferencia!! Aunque esta tambien esta bonita, los colores son completamente diferentes!!

And now, let's enjoy with the little birds!!
Y ahora, vamos a disfrutar con los pajaritos!!

I was just leaving the park, thinking I didn't have any opportunity to take pictures of some little birds, and there they were!!
Ya estaba saliendo del parque, pensando que no habia tenido ninguna oportunidad de tomar fotos de pajaritos, y ahi estaban!!

They are very social, and usually live in colonies, but once the breeding season arrives, that's another story!!
Son muy sociables, y usualmente viven en colonias, pero una vez comienza la temporada de apareo, es otra historia!! 

Originally from England, now you can find them almost everywhere around the world, and today, here, I'm glad I was able to enjoy them!!
Originales de Inglaterra, ahora los podemos encontrar casi que en cualquier parte del mundo, y hoy, aqui, estoy feliz de haberlos podido disfrutar!!
Very diplomatic ones!! According to some studies, the sparrow family prefer to ''talk'' (through singing) more than having a physical ''fight''!!
Son muy diplomaticos!! De acuerdo con algunos estudios, la familia de los gorriones prefiere ''hablar'' (con sus cantos) mas que tener una ''pelea'' fisica!!

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