Tuesday 14 January 2014

Birthdays!! - Cumpleanos!!

As I mentioned before, last week we went to celebrate Sapna's birthday (the only daughter of our landlords), and being there, we watched a video from an early Dishank's birthday party (their youngest son), like 11 or 12 years ago!! John was there and watching the video for sure brought some funny memories from back then!!
Como mencione antes, la semana pasada fuimos a celebrar el cumpleanos de Sapna (la unica hija de nuestros rentadores), y estando alli, vimos un video de una fiesta de cumpleanos de Dishank cuando nino (es su hijo menor), hace como 11 o 12 anos!! John estuvo ahi y ver el video seguro le recordo algunos momentos graciosos de aquel entonces!!

With Sapna. Celebrating her birthday here after 4 years, she's studying in India!!
Con Sapna. Celebrando su cumpleanos aqui despues de 4 anos, esta estudiando en India!!

Kuldip (Sapna's dad), Sapna, and John!!
Kuldip (el papa de Sapna), Sapna, y John!!

I look a little ''weird'', but is the best picture we both have with her!!
Yo luzco un poco ''rara'', pero es la mejor foto que tenemos de nosotros dos con ella!!

 Enjoying the party!! Disfrutando de la fiesta!!

Once watching Dishank's birthday video, and yes, he was having a great time!!
Cuando ya estabamos viendo el video del cumpleanos de Dishank, y si, definitivamente estaba disfrutando!!

11 or 12 years ago, Dishank asked his mom to invite ''his friend John'' to his birthday party!! Opening John's gifts at this moment, a walkie talkie and lights for his new bike!!
Hace 11 o 12 anos, Dishank le dijo a su mama que invitara a ''su amigo John'' a su fiesta de cumpleanos!!
En este momento estaba abriendo los regalos de John, un woki toki y luces para su nueva bicicleta!!
We enjoyed a great evening, and seeing John enjoying so much was amazing!!
Disfrutamos una velada grandiosa, y viendo a John disfrutando tanto fue maravilloso!!
Dishank opening John's birthday card (yes, it seems he opened the gifts before the card!), and I don't know who enjoyed the most, Dishank at that time, or John watching the video!!
Dishank abriendo la tarjeta de cumpleanos de John (si, parece que abrio los regalos antes de la tarjeta!), y no se quien disfruto mas, Dishank en ese momento, o John viendo el video!!

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