Tuesday 1 March 2016


Jan. 30, 2016 I left Vancouver to go to Colombia, and one month later, March 1st., here I'm posting some pictures from my trip!!
Enero 30, 2016 sali de Vancouver para ir a Colombia, y un mes mas tarde, el 1ro. de Marzo, aqui estoy bajando algunas fotos de mi viaje!!

I think it's Mt. Rainier, Washington. From the airplane flying from Vancouver (30 minutes after leaving Vancouver) to Los Angeles.
Creo que es Monte Rainier, Washington. Desde el avion volando desde Vancouver (30 minutos despues de salir de Vancouver) hacia Los Angeles.

The highest mountain in Washington State, and even so gorgeous, is considered one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world!!
La montana mas alta en el estado de Washington, y aunque tan espectacular, es considerado uno de los mas peligrosos volcanes en el mundo!!
Entering Antioquia, the "province" where Medellin is.
Entrando a Antioquia, el departamento donde queda Medellin.

A "partial" view of Medellin from my sister's apartment!!
Una vista "parcial" de Medellin desde el apartamento de mi hermana!!
Pilar my sister, her oldest son Felipe with his wife Tatiana and their daughter, almost one year old, Sarah, who was very happy with the little teddy cow I gave her!!
Mi hermana Pilar, su hijo mayor Felipe con su esposa Tatiana y su hija, de casi un ano, Sarah, quien estaba feliz con la vaquita de peluche que le di!!

Isn't she adorable?!!
No es adorable?!!

The "typical" avocado from my region!!!! My sister took this picture with her smartphone.
El aguacate "tipico" de mi region!!!! Mi hermana tomo esta foto con su telefono inteligente.

Yes, it was really tasty and like butter in our mouths!!
Si, estaba delicioso y como mantequilla en nuestras bocas!!

 Pilar with her sons Felipe and Santiago, her daughter in law Catalina and her grandson Miguel, looking so cute with that expression!!!
Pilar con sus hijos Felipe y Santiago, su nuera Catalina y su nieto Miguel, que lucia precioso con esa expresion!!!

"Introducing" me to his still unborn baby brother, David!!
"Presentandome" a su hermanito aun sin nacer, David!!

What a face!!!! Looks like his dad at his age!!
Que cara!!!! Luce como su papa a esa edad!!

And here I finish with this post, will continue with more from my visit, but at least now you have the first ones from my trip!!
Y aqui termino con esta tanda, continuare bajando mas de mi visita, pero al menos por ahora ya tienen las primeras de mi viaje!!

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