Sunday 26 April 2015


Here you have Anna, the mom of my very good friend Lula, the oldest woman in B.C., and the third in Canada, celebrating her 111 birthday (April the 2nd.)!!!
She is in pretty good condition for her age, don't talk anymore, but has her moments when she still recognizes people, and that day she was pretty awake and enjoying her party!!
Aqui tienen a Anna, la mama de mi muy buena amiga Lula, la mujer de mas edad en British Columbia, y la tercera en Canada, celebrando su 111 cumpleanos (2 de Abril)!!!
Esta en muy buena condicion para su edad, ya no habla, pero aun tiene sus momentos en los que reconoce a la gente, y ese dia estaba bien despierta y disfrutando de su fiesta!!

This was the way she was looking when Lula and I arrived.
Asi lucia cuando Lula y yo llegamos.  

After Lula did her hair, with new clothes, and a beautiful corsage that Lula made for her too!!
Luego de que Lula le arreglo el cabello, con ropa nueva, y un hermoso corsage (el ramillete) que Lula tambien le hizo!!

I don't know about you, but I wish I could look like her ..... even at 90, if I arrive to that age!!!
No se ustedes, pero yo quisiera lucir como ella ..... aun a mis 90, si llego a esa edad!!!

There are 6 generations, and these two young women are from the 4th. or 5th., cannot remember!!
Son 6 generaciones, y estas 2 jovenes son de la 4ta. o la 5ta., no lo recuerdo!!

She is from Norway, and some people there was saying that maybe she's so strong because she could has some viking's blood in her veins!!!
Es de Noruega, y algunas personas alli estaban diciendo que a lo mejor es tan fuerte porque podria tener algo de sangre vikinga en sus venas!!
Lula holding hands with her mom, love this picture!!
Lula cogida de manos con su mama, me encanta esta foto!!

Even the Queen sent congratulations!!
Aun la Reina la mando felicitar!!

Something that amaze me is her hair, look how strong and how much she has, don't think too many people even some years younger than her have such good hair!!
Algo que me asombra es su pelo, miren que tan fuerte y cuanto tiene, no creo que mucha gente aun unos anos mas joven que ella tengan un pelo tan saludable!!
A lot of "important" people (like the Governor General, the Premier, and the Mayor between others) sent her congratulations and some of them sent flowers too, these ones included!!
Muchas personas "importantes" (como el Gobernador General (representante de la Reina en Canada), la Gobernadora (de British Columbia), y la Alcaldesa entre otros) la mandaron felicitar y algunos tambien enviaron flores, estas incluidas!!
She lives in a very nice retirement house and they prepared the cake, it was really delicious!!
Vive en una residencia de retiro muy agradable y alli le prepararon el pastel, que estaba delicioso!!

And here Lula, giving her a piece of cake that she really enjoyed, had 2 pieces!!
Y aqui tienen a Lula, dandole un pedazo de pastel que realmente disfruto, se comio 2 pedazos!!

And more flowers, that I don't know if they left them in her room!!
Y mas flores, que no se si le dejaron en su cuarto!!

I told Lula that I don't know if she knew (was conscious)  it was her birthday, but I'm sure she enjoyed!!
Le dije a Lula que no sabia si ella supo (estaba consciente) que era su cumpleanos, pero estoy segura que lo disfruto!!

She loves teddy bears and I think one of her granddaughters gave her this one!!
Le encantan los osos de peluche y creo que una de sus nietas le dio este!!

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