Monday 23 February 2015

Serpentine River - Rio Serpentino.

Last Feb. 9th., Family Day in British Columbia, and even it was raining a little, I decided to go to the Serpentine River Bird Sanctuary, took my umbrella, went, and had a fantastic time!!
El pasado 9 de Febrero, Dia de la familia en Columbia Britanica, y aunque lloviendo un poco, decidi irme al santuario de pajaros del Rio Serpentino, agarre mi paraguas, fui, y lo pase genial!!

A young eagle, a bird's observer said it could be a hawk (because of the size), but I was able to see it flying, and believe me, it was an eagle!!
Una aguila juvenil, un observador de pajaros dijo que podia ser un halcon (por el tamano), pero yo le pude ver volando, y creanme, era un aguila!!

A couple of years ago John and I went to this place, during Summer, and you cannot imagine the difference in this "tunnel"!!! (Was looking for the picture, but couldn't find it!)
Hace un par de anos John y yo fuimos a este lugar, durante el verano, y no se imaginan la diferencia del "tunel"!!! (Estaba buscando la foto, pero no la pude encontrar!)
If there is something I can "recognize" now is the "sound" of the geese, and this time I was able to see them from the distance, "followed" them with the camera, and here you have the result!!
Si hay algo que ahora puedo "reconocer" es el "sonido" de los gansos, y en esta ocasion pude verlos desde la distancia, los "segui" con la camara, y aqui tienen el resultado!!

Another kind of "new" duck for me, gray body, black head, white peak. And yes, it was still raining!!
Otra clase "nueva" de pato, cuerpo gris, cabeza negra, pico blanco. Y si, aun estaba lloviendo!!

A blue heron, another kind of bird that I found very "majestic"!!
Una garza azul, otra clase de ave que encuentro muy "majestuosa"!!

And this one, I think is a hawk!! Was the closest I could go, there is a lot of marsh around!!
Y este, creo que es un halcon!! Fue lo mas cerca que pude llegar, hay mucho mangle alrededor!!

And here you have the river and part of the surroundings (trail to the left of the picture!)
Y aqui tienen el rio y parte de los alrededores (camino al lado izquierdo de la foto!)

From a view point, the other side is farm land.
Desde un mirador, el otro lado es tierra de granja.

And more of the river!!
Y mas del rio!!

Being in nature, and surrounded by water, how not to enjoy?!!
Estando en la naturaleza, y rodeada de agua, como no disfrutarlo?!!

Spring is coming and we all can enjoy it with all the blooms around!!
Ya viene la primavera y todos podemos disfrutarla con todos los capullos alrededor!!
Yes, it's a little early, but with the temperatures we are having, nature is "interpreting" it like it's time to bloom!!
Si, es un poco temprano, pero con las temperaturas que estamos teniendo, la naturaleza esta "interpretando" que es hora de comenzar a florecer!!
And I'm happy, being able to enjoy them since now!!
Y yo feliz, pudiendolos disfrutar desde ahora!!

And it means "hope" to me, life continues happening no matter what!!
Y esto significa "esperanza" para mi, la vida continua sucediendo sin importar nada mas!!

And on my way back, another blue heron to enjoy!!
Y regresando, otra garza azul para disfrutar!!

Waiting for the bus, how not to enjoy this view meanwhile waiting for it?
Esperando por el bus, como no disfrutar de la vista mientras lo esperaba?

Leaving this beautiful place and fully recharged with a wonderful energy!!
Ya partiendo de este hermoso lugar y completamente recargada con una energia maravillosa!!

Yes, it wasn't the sunniest day, but for sure I enjoyed it!!
Si, no fue el dia mas soleado, pero seguro que lo disfrute!!

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