Saturday 28 February 2015

Marina, Deas Island - Marina, Isla Deas.

Last Sunday I went to clean a little inside the boat, and coming back stopped at Deas Island, a regional park that I wanted to go since some time ago, and that day, even I arrived there at 5:00 p.m., I decided to stay and enjoy it at least for a little while.
Saw eagles everywhere, and the sunset was just spectacular, I know you will agree with me after seeing the pictures!!
It was a wonderful afternoon, how not to be grateful being able to enjoy so much beauty around?!!
And also the best "medicine" I can have right now, inspiring me and helping me to have better health, not only for my body, for my soul as well!!
El pasado domingo fui a limpiar un poco dentro del velero, y regresando pare en la Isla Deas, un parque regional que queria ir desde hacia ya algun tiempo, y ese dia, aunque llegue alli a las 5:00 p.m., decidi quedarme y disfrutar al menos por un rato.
Vi aguilas por todas partes, y el atardecer fue simplemente espectacular, se que estaran de acuerdo conmigo apenas vean las fotos!!
Fue una tarde maravillosa , como no estar agradecida pudiendo disfrutar de tanta belleza alrededor?!!
Y tambien la mejor "medicina" que puedo tener en este momento, inspirandome y ayudandome a tener una mejor salud, no solo para mi cuerpo, para mi alma tambien!!

Just arriving to the marina and saw this eagle flying towards a sailboat near by. Took this one with the "old" camera.
Apenas llegando a la marina y vi esta aguila volando hacia un velero que estaba cerca. Tome esta con la camara "vieja".

And these ones with the new one!!
Y estas con la nueva!!

"What are you looking at?" seems to be saying. Love the eyes, and look at the claws!!
"Que estas mirando?" parece estar diciendo. Me encantan los ojos, y miren las garras!!

It looks like they were placed there, but no, they are really growing there!!
Luce como si los hubieran colocado ahi, pero no, realmente estan creciendo ahi!!

It wasn't a very warm day, and it seems these ducks were feeling it too!!
No fue un dia muy calido, y parece que estos patos tambien lo estaban sintiendo asi!!

But nature seems to think that spring is here!!
Pero la naturaleza parece pensar que la primavera ya esta aqui!!

American robins are a sign to many people that spring has arrived, and this day they were everywhere, even spring will officially arrive March 20!!!
Los petirrojos americanos son para mucha gente signo de que la primavera ha llegado, y ese dia estaban por todas partes, aunque primavera comenzara oficialmente el 20 de Marzo!!
And do you know what color their eggs are? Blue!!
Y saben de que color son sus huevos? Azules!!

And another "sign" that spring is coming are the crocuses, flowers that can begin appearing during a warm late winter (like in this case), or during early spring.
Y otro "signo" de que ya viene la primavera son las flores del azafran, flores que pueden comenzar a aparecer durante finales de un invierno calido (como en este caso), o durante comienzos de primavera. 

Entering Deas Island, a magnificent blue heron waiting for me, at least I want to think that way!!
Entrando a la isla Deas, una magnifica garza azul esperandome, al menos eso quiero pensar!!
Being here, the best relaxing therapy I can have!!
Estar aqui, la mejor terapia de relajacion que puedo tener!!
Life is a real reflection of what we allow ourselves to be. Let's remember that beauty reflects beauty, and also that love reflects love!!
La vida es un reflejo de lo que nos permitimos ser. Recordemos que la belleza refleja belleza, y tambien que el amor refleja amor!! 
No doubt we live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty!!
No hay duda que vivimos en un mundo maravilloso que esta lleno de belleza!!
Let's soak into beauty, and be grateful about it!!
Sumerjamonos en la belleza, y agradezcamosla!!

Every second has the possibility to be even better than the last one, and here I was going from wow to WOW!!!!
Cada segundo tiene la posibilidad de ser aun mejor que el anterior, y aqui yo estaba llendo de guau to GUAU!!!!

Right now I'm watching a beautiful movie, "The blind side", and I can only be grateful that we decided not to be "blind" to the beauty around!!
En este momento estoy viendo una hermosa pelicula "El lado ciego", y solo puedo estar agradecida que nosotros decidimos no ser "ciegos" a la belleza alrededor!!

And with my eyes wide open, I saw plenty of majestic eagles that day!!
Y con mis ojos bien abiertos, vi muchas aguilas majestuosas ese dia!!
I don't know about you, but I was in paradise enjoying this sunset!!
No se ustedes, pero yo estaba en el paraiso disfrutando de este atardecer!!

And looking to the other side, more "pastel" colors, and more noisy but gorgeous geese as well!!
Y mirando hacia el otro lado, colores mas "pasteles", y gansos mas ruidosos pero hermosos tambien!!

What a blessing to be able to enjoy one of the most beautiful sights that brings as hope knowing that tomorrow the sun will shine again!!
Que bendicion poder disfrutar una de las mas hermosas vistas que nos brinda esperanza sabiendo que manana el sol volvera a brillar!!

Not a picture of the sunset, either a bird, but "unique" fungus they are!!
No es una foto del atardecer, tampoco un ave, pero si son hongos "unicos"!!

And of course, a place full of eagles need to have some of their huge nests!!
Y por supuesto, un lugar lleno de aguilas necesita tener algunos de sus enormes nidos!!

And some minutes later, look at the change!!
Y algunos minutos mas tarde, miren el cambio!!
"There is a sunrise and a sunset every single day, and they're absolutely free. Don't miss so many of them." Jo Walton. And I want to add, fortunately there is no end to the beauty they can bring to our lives!!
"Cada dia hay un amanecer y un atardecer, y son completamente gratis. No nos perdamos tantos de ellos." Jo Walton. Y yo quiero agregar, afortunadamente no hay fin para la belleza que pueden brindar a nuestras vidas!!
Just a plane, but cool, isn't it?
Simplemente un avion, pero genial, no?

I cannot decide which one I like better between the "nail" and a full moon, but this one is just spectacular!!
No me puedo decidir cual me gusta mas entre la "una" y una luna llena, pero esta es simplemente espectacular!!
What a perfect gift to be in the right place at the right time!!
Que regalo perfecto el estar en el lugar correcto, en el momento oportuno!!

Some pictures just seem to have it all. An spectacular location, beautiful colors, caught at just the perfect moment, but I want to think as well that in certain way is that we all are lucky, me for being there, and you for being able to enjoy my picture!!
Algunas fotos parecen tenerlo todo. Una locacion espectacular, hermosos colores, tomada en el momento perfecto, pero yo quiero creer que tambien es en parte que todos tenemos suerte, yo por estar ahi, y ustedes por poder disfrutar mi foto!!

An eagle just "landing" and ready to rest!!
Una aguila "aterrizando" y lista para descansar!!

Look at the arrows, they are showing eagles ready to go to "sleep"!! For sure I can count 10, but I think they are 11 (2 in the center of the picture, the upper arrow)!!
And here I finish with the pictures of this beautiful day!!
Miren donde estan las flechas, estan mostrando aguilas ya listas para "dormir"!! Puedo contar 10 seguro, pero creo que hay 11 (2 en el centro de la foto, la flecha mas arriba)!!
Y aqui termino con las fotos de este hermoso dia!!

Monday 23 February 2015

Serpentine River - Rio Serpentino.

Last Feb. 9th., Family Day in British Columbia, and even it was raining a little, I decided to go to the Serpentine River Bird Sanctuary, took my umbrella, went, and had a fantastic time!!
El pasado 9 de Febrero, Dia de la familia en Columbia Britanica, y aunque lloviendo un poco, decidi irme al santuario de pajaros del Rio Serpentino, agarre mi paraguas, fui, y lo pase genial!!

A young eagle, a bird's observer said it could be a hawk (because of the size), but I was able to see it flying, and believe me, it was an eagle!!
Una aguila juvenil, un observador de pajaros dijo que podia ser un halcon (por el tamano), pero yo le pude ver volando, y creanme, era un aguila!!

A couple of years ago John and I went to this place, during Summer, and you cannot imagine the difference in this "tunnel"!!! (Was looking for the picture, but couldn't find it!)
Hace un par de anos John y yo fuimos a este lugar, durante el verano, y no se imaginan la diferencia del "tunel"!!! (Estaba buscando la foto, pero no la pude encontrar!)
If there is something I can "recognize" now is the "sound" of the geese, and this time I was able to see them from the distance, "followed" them with the camera, and here you have the result!!
Si hay algo que ahora puedo "reconocer" es el "sonido" de los gansos, y en esta ocasion pude verlos desde la distancia, los "segui" con la camara, y aqui tienen el resultado!!

Another kind of "new" duck for me, gray body, black head, white peak. And yes, it was still raining!!
Otra clase "nueva" de pato, cuerpo gris, cabeza negra, pico blanco. Y si, aun estaba lloviendo!!

A blue heron, another kind of bird that I found very "majestic"!!
Una garza azul, otra clase de ave que encuentro muy "majestuosa"!!

And this one, I think is a hawk!! Was the closest I could go, there is a lot of marsh around!!
Y este, creo que es un halcon!! Fue lo mas cerca que pude llegar, hay mucho mangle alrededor!!

And here you have the river and part of the surroundings (trail to the left of the picture!)
Y aqui tienen el rio y parte de los alrededores (camino al lado izquierdo de la foto!)

From a view point, the other side is farm land.
Desde un mirador, el otro lado es tierra de granja.

And more of the river!!
Y mas del rio!!

Being in nature, and surrounded by water, how not to enjoy?!!
Estando en la naturaleza, y rodeada de agua, como no disfrutarlo?!!

Spring is coming and we all can enjoy it with all the blooms around!!
Ya viene la primavera y todos podemos disfrutarla con todos los capullos alrededor!!
Yes, it's a little early, but with the temperatures we are having, nature is "interpreting" it like it's time to bloom!!
Si, es un poco temprano, pero con las temperaturas que estamos teniendo, la naturaleza esta "interpretando" que es hora de comenzar a florecer!!
And I'm happy, being able to enjoy them since now!!
Y yo feliz, pudiendolos disfrutar desde ahora!!

And it means "hope" to me, life continues happening no matter what!!
Y esto significa "esperanza" para mi, la vida continua sucediendo sin importar nada mas!!

And on my way back, another blue heron to enjoy!!
Y regresando, otra garza azul para disfrutar!!

Waiting for the bus, how not to enjoy this view meanwhile waiting for it?
Esperando por el bus, como no disfrutar de la vista mientras lo esperaba?

Leaving this beautiful place and fully recharged with a wonderful energy!!
Ya partiendo de este hermoso lugar y completamente recargada con una energia maravillosa!!

Yes, it wasn't the sunniest day, but for sure I enjoyed it!!
Si, no fue el dia mas soleado, pero seguro que lo disfrute!!