Friday 16 May 2014

And more tulips!! - Y mas tulipanes!!

The day we went to the tulips fields, I was in paradise, but that doesn't mean that I'm not enjoying others around, of course I continue enjoying them as much as I can, wherever they are!!
El dia que fuimos a los campos de tulipanes, estaba en el paraiso, pero eso no significa que no estoy gozando otros alrededor, por supuesto continuo gozando de ellos tanto como puedo, donde sea que esten!!

Some days ago I had an appointment and meanwhile waiting for John to pick me up, I took pictures of the pots full with open and beautiful tulips!!
Hace unos dias tuve una cita y mientras esperaba por John a que me recogiera, tome fotos de las materas llenas de hermosos tulipanes abiertos!!

I can only marvel at the beauty and perfection of every petal!!
Solo puedo maravillarme con la belleza y perfeccion de cada petalo!!

Some times is very difficult to choose which ones I will post, I love most of them so much that I just want to share all of them with you, for you to enjoy with me all the beauty I live surrounded by, like this one!!
Algunas veces es muy dificil escoger cuales voy a bajar, la mayoria de ellas me encantan y quisiera compartirlas todas con ustedes, para que gozen conmigo de toda la belleza con la que vivo rodeada, como esta!!

We all have the power and the right to have beautiful lives, and with these pretties around, for sure they are helping me to have even more precious days!!!   
Todos tenemos el poder y el derecho a tener vidas hermosas, y con estas bellezas alrededor, seguro que me estan ayudando a tener dias aun mas preciosos!!

Let's be grateful because since the day we were born, the beauty of nature has been and always will be around us!!
Seamos agradecidos porque desde el dia en que nacimos, la belleza de la naturaleza ha estado y siempre estara a nuestro alrededor!!

It's like having part of heaven here on earth!!
Es como tener parte del cielo aqui en la tierra!!

A gorgeous blue sky, some spectacular tulips, a perfect combination for a superb day!!
Un grandioso cielo azul, unos tulipanes espectaculares, que combinacion mas perfecta para un dia magnifico!!

We can never have enough of nature, when we think we have seen the most beautiful thing, more beautiful things continue appearing!!
Nunca podemos tener suficiente de la naturaleza, cuando pensamos que hemos visto lo mas hermoso, mas cosas hermosas siguen apareciendo!!
For as long as we can see beauty, it'll stay with us, and with these pictures, I want to think that I, somehow, captured some of its infinite beauty!!
Por tanto tiempo como podamos ver la belleza, ella permanecera con nosotros, y con estas fotos, quiero pensar que yo, de alguna forma, capture algo de su belleza infinita!!

"There is a road from the eye to the heart that does not go through the intellect." G. K. Chesterton.    We don't need to understand or ask ourselves about the beauty around, we just need to appreciate and enjoy it!!
"Hay un camino del ojo al corazon que no va a traves del intelecto." G. K. Chesterton. No necesitamos entender o preguntarnos sobre la belleza alrededor, simplemente necesitamos apreciarla y disfrutarla!! 

Can you see the flower pots? What a gorgeous "arrangement"!!
Pueden ver las materas?  Que "arreglo" mas precioso!!

No matter who we are, nature offers itself to us, over and over, letting us know that we are part of this world, that we always will be part of this beauty!!
Sin importar quienes somos, la naturaleza se ofrece a nosotros, una y otra vez, dejandonos saber que somos parte de este mundo, que siempre seremos parte de esta belleza!!

Bear creek park. Just a few males, I suppose the females are hiding with their ducklings, I hadn't been able to see them around!!
Parque quebrada del oso. Solo unos pocos machos, me supongo que las hembras estan escondidas con sus paticos, no les he podido ver alrededor!!
Look how different it looks now, a lot more green and with a fresher look too!!
Miren que diferente luce ahora, mucho mas verde y con un look mas fresco tambien!!

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