Saturday 27 August 2016

Moon and beach - Luna y playa.

I know the moon has a lot to do with the tides, but I think the very hot days we had some days ago had nothing to do with the full moon that days but with the global warming, and going to the beach was a great alternative to enjoy fresher moments!!
Se que la luna tiene mucho que ver con las mareas, pero pienso que los dias tan calientes que tuvimos hace algunos dias nada tienen que ver con la luna llena de esos dias pero si con el calentamiento global, y el ir a la playa fue una gran alternativa para disfrutar de momentos mas frescos!!

Almost full, just one more night!!
Casi llena, solo una noche mas!!

And with a day that was hotter inside than outside, went to Crescent beach!!
Y con un dia mas caliente adentro que afuera, me fui para la playa Creciente!!

This part of the coast has "extreme" tides, and even with low tide, wasn't as low as other times I had been there!!
Esta parte de la costa tiene mareas "extremas", y aunque con marea baja, no estaba tan baja como otras veces que he estado alli!!

A gorgeous sight of Vancouver and the mountains.
Una vista preciosa de Vancouver y las montanas.

It amazes me how the rocks don't fall immediately!! I saw the guy doing it ... and 30 minutes later it was still there!!

Me impresiona que las rocas no se caen inmediatamente!! Vi al muchacho haciendolo ... y 30 minutos mas tarde todavia estaba ahi!!

And even wasn't as fresh as I wanted, being close to the water and with this view, of course I was feeling a lot more refresh!!
Y aunque no estaba tan fresco como yo queria, estando cerca del agua y con esta vista, por supuesto me estaba sintiendo mas fresca!!  

Full moon!! Aug. 17, very late night.
Luna llena!! Ago. 17, muy tarde en la noche.

No, it isn't full, but the difference with 2 nights before is minimum!!
No, no esta llena, pero la diferencia con 2 noches atras es minima!!

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